
亚洲大陆的土地,一个广泛的历史和一个同样有趣的现代场景。古老的寺庙和星罗棋布的废墟和长期的传统仍然根植于人们的心灵和思想在许多领域。然而,亚洲大陆的变化,进步和现代思维方式渗透现代文化。对比给旅行者提供了一个独特的机会去看国家的变化。在亚洲旅行的可能性从在喜马拉雅山徒步旅行,享受在泰国、巴厘岛的海滩上,发现在北京紫禁城,沿着中国的长城散步,凝视着泰姬陵,骑大象在尼泊尔,在日本或爬富士山。一些世界上最著名的古迹也发现在亚洲,包括吴哥瓦特在柬埔寨,缅甸蒲甘,兵马俑在中国。不管一个旅行者正在寻求什么,他肯定会发现它在亚洲某地。一些亚洲最大的景点城市,每一个都明显是独一无二的。加德满都、新加坡、香港、孟买、德里和曼谷是不容错过的。太平洋岛国的范围从微小的环礁在一个看似无穷无尽的大海,广阔的澳大利亚大陆。 Each of these countries has its own distinct identity and offers a unique experience to travelers who venture to these distant shores. Australia and New Zealand are the two most visited destinations in the Pacific, but places like the Cook Islands and Fiji also offer interesting cultures and beautiful beaches in a remote paradise. Australia is an interesting mix of old traditions and contemporary rhythms, with everything from modern coastal cities to forgotten towns in the Outback, where time seems to have stood still. The thriving cities of Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth are a far cry from of the cattle stations travelers may stumble across in the vast interior. But it is the contrast that makes the country so interesting and rewarding for travelers who take the time to fully explore it. New Zealand is largely a rural country, where rolling hills and sheep farms shape much of the landscape. The cities of Auckland and Wellington, as well as other smaller cities offer a modern face to the country. Most travelers will find themselves in Auckland or Wellington, but the majority come to see New Zealand's beautiful natural attractions. Topping the list are the glaciers of the South Island, Milford Sound, the volcanoes of Tongariro National Park, the many lakes, green rolling hills, and endless coastline.